Our next storytelling evening will be Wednesday, Jan. 17
All are invited to attend our quarterly storytelling evening on Wednesday, Jan. 17 at Bethany Presbyterian Church when we will hear “Personal stories of hope and wonder.” A free Mexican-style meal, catered by one of the night’s speakers, will be served at 6 p.m. and at 7 p.m. we will hear from our storytellers. Music will be led by Peter Baird.
Learn more about our speakers:
- Rosa Martinez came to the United States from Mexico and started a food business. Rosa will be making our meal, which is sure to be delicious!
- Be Patterson is a hospice chaplain and serves on the Advisory Board for The Gathering.
- Bob Miller is a local artist who worked as the artistic director for KCRA Channel 3 for many years
- Nga Chau is a member of Bethany Presbyterian Church. She came to the United States from Vietnam and will tell her story of being rescued off a fishing boat.
All of our events are FREE and everyone is welcome.
We look forward to spending this uplifting evening with you all!