On Wednesday, Apr. 25, The Gathering will present “Let Me Tell You a Story: Four Faiths.”
Join us for this powerful & harmonious evening! We will hear from people of four different faiths: Islam, Sikhism, Judaism, and Christianity. What makes us different? What makes us similar? How can people put aside religious differences to find common ground as human beings?
Meat our speakers:
- Imdadulla Imdad: Muslim, from Afghanistan. The Imdad family recently arrived in Sacramento as a refugee family, with the aid of World Relief Sacramento & Bethany Presbyterian Church.
- Dr. Gurtej Singh Cheema: Sikh, a medical doctor
- Michael Hirscher: In the Reformed Jewish congregation B’nai Israel in Sacramento
- Joy & Peter Baird: Christian, members of Bethany Presbyterian Church
This event takes place in the Social Hall at Bethany Presbyterian Church. A FREE dinner will be served at 6 p.m. (meat & vegetarian options available), followed by storytelling at 7 p.m.
As with all events for The Gathering, this event is FREE and open to all!