The Gathering is a growing community of people in the Sacramento, California, area who come together to hear personal stories from ordinary people. Our major storytelling events occur quarterly and involve four storytellers for an evening of stories and music. Each event is based on a theme with each story being about ten minutes reflecting the theme for the evening. We began in April 2013.
We have met numerous times and listened to stories from dozens of different people. Our themes are as diverse as the stories that have been told; examples include Great Expectations, Out of the Wilderness, and Of Pain and Grace. Our folk singing is led by guitarist and singer Peter Baird.
The Gathering, as a new community based on the creative arts, also has other events throughout the year. We have given workshops on creative writing and storytelling. We annually hold a participatory Readers Theater event.
Our guiding vision is a belief that our personal stories are all a part of a bigger universal story that we live within. In the sharing of stories we not only recognize and understand better our own stories, but we build community and relationship and provide a setting for fellowship, spiritual connection, and healing to occur.
We are sponsored by grants from the Presbyterian Church (USA) Mission Agency “1001 New Worshiping Communities Initiative” and the Sacramento Presbytery’s “SacPresby Innovate” project. Our events take place in the Social Hall of Bethany Presbyterian Church where refreshments are provided in a coffee shop atmosphere. Bethany is located at 5625 24th Street, Sacramento, CA 95822. (1.5 miles south of Sacramento City College). All events are free with donations of food items for the South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership Food Closet welcomed.
This organization is under the leadership of Rev. Judy Davis and an Advisory Board. We welcome all to come and experience our evenings of storytelling and singing and our creative workshops.